Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On such a winter's day

"all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey"
-Mamas and Papas, "California Dreaming"

So long California section of the LA Times. I don't know if it disappeared today, or today was the just the first day I noticed it. It came to my attention when I noticed the obituaries in the front page section. Somehow that seems too apropos. I know many were furious about the end of the California section, but honestly I don't see the big deal. The California section was a few local stories and the dead pages. Not such a big thing to tuck that into the more widely read front section. I actually think it makes sense to have the state and local news combined in with the national and international stuff. Granted, I am not a Californian and have only been here for a few months, so that skews my perspective on the local news. But so not a big deal like the critics were contending.


  1. Why do you think they stopped it the day they did?

    While I felt saddened by the loss of the California section, I was more pissed that they got rid of it the day of the election.

    In your opinion, what was their rationale behind that?

  2. I'm not really sure why they would do it midweek, with no real notice- other than to hide it as much as they could. That's the only rationale I can think of. We can ask Tim...

    I'm surprised they didn't try to spin it like "new and improved."
