Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday news roundup

Nothing like sitting in the hammock, basking in the warm LA sun on a lazy sunday morning and reading about the demise of journalism. Can't do that with my laptop, the sun would cause too much glare on the screen. O simple pleasures. A good piece by James Rainey about how the quirky SF Chron fit the quirky city. Also a good cartoon below:

Meanwhile, I heard Prof. Westphal on Marketplace last week and asked if he tweeted to promote the story. Full disclosure, I may scoff at twitter, but I ran to that application and to update my facebook status to shamelessly promote my own Marketplace piece.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice way to spend Sunday. I was struck by a sentence in the L.A. Times piece you link to: "Newspapers tell stories for a living. But as we tell our own, we sometimes get all earnest, instead of telling people what we believe on our best days: that newspapers and newspapering can be provocative, irreverent and fun." Maybe newspapers haven't been that irreverent, and therein another problem.
